What are the Main Goals ?
Typical Challenges XPRT-Sales will answer to :✔️
Investing to make your SC more resilient, Agile to respond to a disrupted world
Monitoring location of shipments & deliveries in real time, via any carrier or LSP
Getting predictive datas on ETA of each shipment
Getting Business benefits of a reliable and accurate ETA
Digitizing your SC transportation processes
Integrating new carriers via efficient On-boarding strategy
Getting the visibility of carriers and also their sub contractors
Enabling greater visibility to real-time demand, rates & capacity
Matching demand with capacity more efficiently
Eliminating manual & paper based processes
A few XPRT-Sales metrics : ✔️
How reducing penalities , disputes -30%
Increase productivity of your team +35%
Reducing out of stock -80%
Increase OTIF +30%
Getting a cloud based platform connected to > 120 TMS, >700 telematics systems
70% of shippers will use cloud-based platforms when placing orders and tracking shipments
By 2023 , 50% of leading global enterprises will invest in real-time transportation visibility platforms
What are the main criterias for selecting a Real Time Visibility provider?
understand SC bottlenecks due to Covid 19
Investment for Digital SC : 60% invested by 2020, 22% planned to invest after 2020, 18% not Planned !
What % estimated transportation Spend per mode (Rail, LTL, TL, Private Truck , Ocean) on around 990 Billions $ ?
Let's discuss with XPRT-Sales to find the answers ✔️
The main Benefits for your Team ✔️:
Connecting leading industry matter experts with our Middle size or large T1 clients mainly in : Retail, FMCG, CPG, Industry, Manufacturing, Private Labels...
Optimizing Revenue Growth and Maximization of Client Research Spends
Answering to Business-Critical & Pragmatical questions thanks to a curated community of Experts all over Emea (Nordics, UK, France, Benelux, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Eastern countries) + Russia
Learning Top Sales Ops Strategies During COVID-19 from Leaders Who Are Adapting in the Field
Sharing insights about Market trends affecting the multi enterprise Supply Chain business Network Market
Bringing the Power of Insight to every great Professional better Decision about Strategy & Digital Business Transformation, Innovation Challenge, Business Impact, Disruptive Agile Technology, Competitive Landscape, Key Trends and Market Dynamics, Sustainability, SC Resilience, AI as a serice which is the next Business Model of the Future
They Trust us : ✔️
Investors, Many start-ups, SMEs or Large Accounts have trusted XPRT-sales for their business development .
Our clients are mainly Companies, some of the largest private equity funds, management consulting firms and service companies in the following sectors:
Fashion, luxury, DIY, Sports
Food and Non Food Retail
Private Labels companies
New technologies